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  • View from Space - ?
  • Wind Speed - ?
  • Air Temperature - ?
  • Misery Index - ?
  • Relative Humidity - ?
  • Surface Albedo - ?
  • Precipitation - ?
  • Biome Climate Envelopes - ?
  • Leaf Area Index - ?
  • Snow Depth - ?
  • Topography - ?
  • Cloud Water - ?
  • Sea Ice Thickness - ?
  • Mean Sea Level Pressure - ?
  • Upward Solar Radiation - ?




​​UI Guide

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Planet Statistics
  • Orbit None (0%)
  • Land 0% (0%)
  • Water 0% (0%)
  • CO2 0ppm (0%)
  • Vegetation 0% (0%)
  • 35Q ICU (100%) 
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land100.0%(100.0%)
  • Water0.0%(0.0%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice95.6%(95.6%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra61.3%(61.3%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy26.4%(26.4%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean6.4%(6.4%)
  • No biome0.1%(0.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra55.7%(55.7%)
  • Grassland16.2%(16.2%)
  • Boreal Forest12.9%(12.9%)
  • Temperate Forest16.7%(16.7%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest13.8%(13.8%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy48.7%(48.7%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain45.2%(45.2%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean5.1%(5.1%)
  • No biome26.6%(26.6%)
  • Ice47.1%(47.1%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra2.8%(2.8%)
  • Grassland24.6%(24.6%)
  • Boreal Forest7.3%(7.3%)
  • Temperate Forest33.3%(33.3%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest70.8%(70.8%)
  • Temp. Rainforest82.8%(82.8%)
  • Trop. Rainforest15.1%(15.1%)
  • Snowy59.4%(59.4%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.9%(0.9%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean2.9%(2.9%)
  • Wetland33.3%(33.3%)
  • Mountain54.8%(54.8%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO249(8.2%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation82.1%(82.1%)
  • Ocean30.4%(30.4%)
  • No biome0.1%(0.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra1.9%(1.9%)
  • Grassland42.5%(42.5%)
  • Boreal Forest12.9%(12.9%)
  • Temperate Forest76.2%(76.2%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest17.0%(17.0%)
  • Snowy71.5%(71.5%)
  • Stormy Ocean1.5%(1.5%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean18.9%(18.9%)
  • No biome37.1%(37.1%)
  • Ice0.0%(0.0%)
  • Desert40.7%(40.7%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland26.9%(26.9%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest25.0%(25.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest34.9%(34.9%)
  • Snowy21.4%(21.4%)
  • Stormy Ocean11.0%(11.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean4.7%(4.7%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain58.1%(58.1%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO262(10.3%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation82.5%(82.5%)
  • Ocean30.6%(30.6%)
  • No biome0.3%(0.3%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra2.8%(2.8%)
  • Grassland38.9%(38.9%)
  • Boreal Forest10.5%(10.5%)
  • Temperate Forest66.7%(66.7%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest17.9%(17.9%)
  • Snowy74.4%(74.4%)
  • Stormy Ocean1.5%(1.5%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean12.2%(12.2%)
  • No biome42.1%(42.1%)
  • Ice0.0%(0.0%)
  • Desert24.7%(24.7%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland19.2%(19.2%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest15.5%(15.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest46.2%(46.2%)
  • Snowy15.4%(15.4%)
  • Stormy Ocean11.2%(11.2%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean11.3%(11.3%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain77.4%(77.4%)
  • OrbitInner(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land100.0%(100.0%)
  • Water0.0%(0.0%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome76.5%(76.5%)
  • Ice0.0%(0.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy23.5%(23.5%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land100.0%(100.0%)
  • Water0.0%(0.0%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice0.0%(0.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land74.3%(74.3%)
  • Water25.7%(25.7%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitOuter(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land14.2%(14.2%)
  • Water85.8%(85.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO279(13.2%)
  • Land30.4%(30.4%)
  • Water69.6%(69.6%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean62.5%(62.5%)
  • No biome0.2%(0.2%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert36.4%(36.4%)
  • Tundra15.1%(15.1%)
  • Grassland37.7%(37.7%)
  • Boreal Forest66.1%(66.1%)
  • Temperate Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.3%(0.3%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland50.0%(50.0%)
  • Mountain93.5%(93.5%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO284(14.0%)
  • Land30.4%(30.4%)
  • Water69.6%(69.6%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean57.9%(57.9%)
  • No biome0.2%(0.2%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert79.6%(79.6%)
  • Tundra1.9%(1.9%)
  • Grassland77.8%(77.8%)
  • Boreal Forest27.4%(27.4%)
  • Temperate Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.2%(0.2%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland50.0%(50.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO288(14.7%)
  • Land30.4%(30.4%)
  • Water69.6%(69.6%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean77.8%(77.8%)
  • No biome0.8%(0.8%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert66.7%(66.7%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland65.3%(65.3%)
  • Boreal Forest8.9%(8.9%)
  • Temperate Forest90.5%(90.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest5.7%(5.7%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean3.5%(3.5%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2130(21.7%)
  • Land30.4%(30.4%)
  • Water69.6%(69.6%)
  • Vegetation92.8%(92.8%)
  • Ocean81.0%(81.0%)
  • No biome0.3%(0.3%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert58.6%(58.6%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland64.7%(64.7%)
  • Boreal Forest6.5%(6.5%)
  • Temperate Forest70.2%(70.2%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest80.2%(80.2%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean8.5%(8.5%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean8.5%(8.5%)
  • Wetland83.3%(83.3%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert64.2%(64.2%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland7.8%(7.8%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2178(29.7%)
  • Land3.4%(3.4%)
  • Water96.6%(96.6%)
  • Vegetation100.0%(100.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland17.4%(17.4%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest69.0%(69.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Cold Ocean1.4%(1.4%)
  • Warm Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert48.1%(48.1%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland23.4%(23.4%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest12.3%(12.3%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2281(46.8%)
  • Land3.4%(3.4%)
  • Water96.6%(96.6%)
  • Vegetation100.0%(100.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland34.7%(34.7%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest34.5%(34.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land3.8%(3.8%)
  • Water96.2%(96.2%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert48.1%(48.1%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland31.1%(31.1%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest77.4%(77.4%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest54.2%(54.2%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest73.6%(73.6%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)

​​I'm done!

​​What's this?

​​Start over

  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO281(13.5%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation83.6%(83.6%)
  • Ocean30.3%(30.3%)
  • No biome0.3%(0.3%)
  • Ice94.9%(94.9%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra1.9%(1.9%)
  • Grassland43.7%(43.7%)
  • Boreal Forest11.3%(11.3%)
  • Temperate Forest52.4%(52.4%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest32.1%(32.1%)
  • Snowy76.5%(76.5%)
  • Stormy Ocean3.0%(3.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO20(0.0%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert27.2%(27.2%)
  • Tundra100.0%(100.0%)
  • Grassland1.2%(1.2%)
  • Boreal Forest8.1%(8.1%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain0.0%(0.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert24.7%(24.7%)
  • Tundra100.0%(100.0%)
  • Grassland1.2%(1.2%)
  • Boreal Forest8.1%(8.1%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain12.9%(12.9%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2280(46.7%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean77.4%(77.4%)
  • No biome2.6%(2.6%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert98.8%(98.8%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland36.5%(36.5%)
  • Boreal Forest3.2%(3.2%)
  • Temperate Forest40.5%(40.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean17.4%(17.4%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean48.3%(48.3%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO257(9.5%)
  • Land30.4%(30.4%)
  • Water69.6%(69.6%)
  • Vegetation91.8%(91.8%)
  • Ocean85.0%(85.0%)
  • No biome0.5%(0.5%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert66.7%(66.7%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland67.7%(67.7%)
  • Boreal Forest4.8%(4.8%)
  • Temperate Forest90.5%(90.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest9.4%(9.4%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean2.6%(2.6%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland83.3%(83.3%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert38.9%(38.9%)
  • Tundra100.0%(100.0%)
  • Grassland1.2%(1.2%)
  • Boreal Forest16.1%(16.1%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain19.4%(19.4%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2400(66.7%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean64.4%(64.4%)
  • No biome7.3%(7.3%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland38.9%(38.9%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest28.6%(28.6%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean19.8%(19.8%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean59.0%(59.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO279(13.2%)
  • Land19.4%(19.4%)
  • Water80.6%(80.6%)
  • Vegetation98.0%(98.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert24.7%(24.7%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland57.5%(57.5%)
  • Boreal Forest6.5%(6.5%)
  • Temperate Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest54.2%(54.2%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest4.7%(4.7%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean11.1%(11.1%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert42.6%(42.6%)
  • Tundra100.0%(100.0%)
  • Grassland1.2%(1.2%)
  • Boreal Forest21.0%(21.0%)
  • Temperate Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain19.4%(19.4%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2600(100.0%)
  • Land24.2%(24.2%)
  • Water75.8%(75.8%)
  • Vegetation0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ocean57.2%(57.2%)
  • No biome14.1%(14.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert59.9%(59.9%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland31.7%(31.7%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest19.0%(19.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Snowy74.9%(74.9%)
  • Stormy Ocean90.5%(90.5%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean74.9%(74.9%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2466(77.7%)
  • Land3.4%(3.4%)
  • Water96.6%(96.6%)
  • Vegetation100.0%(100.0%)
  • Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert0.0%(0.0%)
  • Tundra0.0%(0.0%)
  • Grassland25.7%(25.7%)
  • Boreal Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temperate Forest34.5%(34.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest58.3%(58.3%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest27.4%(27.4%)
  • Snowy100.0%(100.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean100.0%(100.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO249(8.2%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation84.5%(84.5%)
  • Ocean14.9%(14.9%)
  • No biome0.1%(0.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert56.2%(56.2%)
  • Tundra20.8%(20.8%)
  • Grassland26.3%(26.3%)
  • Boreal Forest61.3%(61.3%)
  • Temperate Forest50.0%(50.0%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest48.3%(48.3%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy79.4%(79.4%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain6.5%(6.5%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO255(9.2%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation64.4%(64.4%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra48.1%(48.1%)
  • Grassland34.7%(34.7%)
  • Boreal Forest26.6%(26.6%)
  • Temperate Forest27.4%(27.4%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest27.6%(27.6%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy62.5%(62.5%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain16.1%(16.1%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2109(18.2%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation59.6%(59.6%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.1%(0.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra48.1%(48.1%)
  • Grassland32.9%(32.9%)
  • Boreal Forest21.0%(21.0%)
  • Temperate Forest36.9%(36.9%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest44.8%(44.8%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy49.9%(49.9%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain22.6%(22.6%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO262(10.3%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation83.9%(83.9%)
  • Ocean16.4%(16.4%)
  • No biome0.0%(0.0%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert64.2%(64.2%)
  • Tundra22.6%(22.6%)
  • Grassland31.1%(31.1%)
  • Boreal Forest56.5%(56.5%)
  • Temperate Forest48.8%(48.8%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest69.0%(69.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy82.7%(82.7%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain12.9%(12.9%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO271(11.8%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation63.7%(63.7%)
  • Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • No biome0.1%(0.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra47.2%(47.2%)
  • Grassland34.7%(34.7%)
  • Boreal Forest21.0%(21.0%)
  • Temperate Forest34.5%(34.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest13.8%(13.8%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy57.6%(57.6%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland0.0%(0.0%)
  • Mountain16.1%(16.1%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO2122(20.3%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation81.4%(81.4%)
  • Ocean28.0%(28.0%)
  • No biome0.4%(0.4%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra1.9%(1.9%)
  • Grassland49.1%(49.1%)
  • Boreal Forest10.5%(10.5%)
  • Temperate Forest53.6%(53.6%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest29.2%(29.2%)
  • Snowy74.1%(74.1%)
  • Stormy Ocean2.4%(2.4%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO281(13.5%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation83.9%(83.9%)
  • Ocean18.2%(18.2%)
  • No biome0.2%(0.2%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert73.5%(73.5%)
  • Tundra19.8%(19.8%)
  • Grassland34.7%(34.7%)
  • Boreal Forest52.4%(52.4%)
  • Temperate Forest53.6%(53.6%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest51.7%(51.7%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.0%(0.0%)
  • Snowy80.7%(80.7%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain25.8%(25.8%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO289(14.8%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation79.2%(79.2%)
  • Ocean21.5%(21.5%)
  • No biome0.1%(0.1%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra8.5%(8.5%)
  • Grassland49.1%(49.1%)
  • Boreal Forest19.4%(19.4%)
  • Temperate Forest72.6%(72.6%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest50.0%(50.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest0.9%(0.9%)
  • Snowy66.0%(66.0%)
  • Stormy Ocean0.4%(0.4%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
  • OrbitMiddle(0%)
  • CO297(16.2%)
  • Land57.2%(57.2%)
  • Water42.8%(42.8%)
  • Vegetation81.9%(81.9%)
  • Ocean28.5%(28.5%)
  • No biome0.3%(0.3%)
  • Ice100.0%(100.0%)
  • Desert100.0%(100.0%)
  • Tundra2.8%(2.8%)
  • Grassland44.9%(44.9%)
  • Boreal Forest7.3%(7.3%)
  • Temperate Forest59.5%(59.5%)
  • Tropical Dry Forest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Temp. Rainforest100.0%(100.0%)
  • Trop. Rainforest30.2%(30.2%)
  • Snowy76.3%(76.3%)
  • Stormy Ocean2.7%(2.7%)
  • Cold Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Warm Ocean0.0%(0.0%)
  • Wetland100.0%(100.0%)
  • Mountain100.0%(100.0%)
